Last year, I completely missed
Hug a Medievalist Day (this font is called trebuchet, which was a medieval siege engine similar to a catapult, so it seems appropriate to use it here) although we did hold a belated giveaway. This year I'm on top of this extraordinarily important date! We're celebrating here at
Medieval Research with Joyce by giving away one of my all time favorite medieval novels,
Walk with Peril, by D.V.S. Jackson. If you haven't read my review of this book, you can read it
Walk with Peril has long been out of print, but I've snagged an old used copy and I'm giving it away for
Hug a Medievalist Day! This giveaway is going to work pretty much the same way last year's did: to enter, leave a comment telling me name of the medievalist you would most like to hug on
Hug a Medievalist Day. It can be an actual figure from medieval history, a fictional character (like Robin Hood), a character from a medieval novel, a favorite teacher who taught you about the Middle Ages, a favorite character at your local *Renaissance Festival, or even your favorite *RenFest day companion (husband, sister, brother, child, friend). I'll give you an extra entry if you begin your comment with the word "Huzzah!"
(*I'm including Renaissance Festivals because that's the closest excuse some of us can find to play medieval dress up!)
Be sure to include your email address so I can contact you if you win!
The deadline is midnight PST on
Hug a Medievalist Day, i.e., March 31. The winner will be drawn by
USA entries only.
Hug a Medievalist Day on
Facebook and/or follow on
Entrants must be 18 years or older
Winners will be selected on March 31. Winners have 48 hours to respond to an email notifying them of their win.
Prizes not claimed within 48 hours will be reawarded
I would love to hug my g-g-g-etc. grandfather, Lord William Marshal, said to be the "greatest knight." Actor William Hurt played him in the Russell Crow version of "Robin Hood."
I'd like to hug Vlad Dracula. And I would hope he wouldn't put my head on a spike!
Have a great day, Joyce.
Mel K.
Meljprincess AT aol DOT com
I think John the Builder would be a good one to hug. He needs one after all the building he did!
kce1976 at hotmail dot com
Oh dear... how can I choose just one person?!
I suppose Eleanor of Aquitaine or Queen Isabella (Edward's wife).
I simply would like to hug the Medieval History book shelf at my local library! I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for that shelf! ;)
Orsolya Dunai
I have no idea who I'd hug. A handsome knight? Who baths at least once a week.
I'm related to Lady Godiva. Is she medieval? I'd hug her if she had clothes on.
I would like to hug Christine de Pizan, a medieval Venetian (1363 - c1430) who actually made a living from her writing.
officeinmate at gmail dot com
Hug a medievalist Day? Too fun.
I might hug someone as long as he wasn't a male chauvinist pig. ;)
Huzzah! I'd like to hug...Joyce DiPastena!
(You know who)
Lisa beat me giving Joyce a I think I will have to go with William Tyndale.
HUZZAH! So many hugs I would like to give. My favorite princess -Princess Kristina of Norway 1234-1262. My favorite rennie would be Zilch the Torey Steller, because who doesn't like to hear Jomeo & Ruliet. And of course I'd hug you Joyce, my favorite medieval author.
Apparently, I'm related to someone affectionately (or not quite so) known as "Longshanks" - so I guess I'd maybe think about hugging him. In all that geneology stuff my dad made me do, we discovered loads of knights, dukes, earls, kings, queens and many others of some importance in our family tree. Hope the thing doesn't fall over what with all that metal in the branches! JK!
I would love to hug Romeo and/or Juliet...they need it! :)
I would like to hug one of my colleagues in medieval history--Ralph Griffiths or Peter Fleming or Mark Ormrod would be good choices.
Huzzah! You do such fun things here to teach us about Medieval times. I'd love to hug a few of the heroes in your books, or I'd hug my own knight in shining armour--my hubby--if we were able to go to a festival. :)
rachellethewriter AT
Huzzah, there are many medievalists I would want to hug but I think my ideal would be Gerald of Wales. A monk who wrote about Wales and Ireland. Other than that it would be Henry V, my husband is a bowyer and studies medieval methods of archery.
Evy B
fehy at
HUZZAH! I would love to hug any of the Knights of the Round Table. Maybe King Richard.
My first choice is Archie Armstrong, but since he's a bit after medieval times, I'm going with Chaucer. I also think he'd be a great person to have a drink with.
Jessica Schira
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